Saturday, October 22, 2016

Response to WAVE3: Two kinds of stories

This may be a lot to ask, but I really want to see something other than crime or Trump/Clinton on WAVE3's website. After monitoring their online news for our current project, I've noticed that there have consistently mostly only been stories about crime and the election. Election coverage is certainly necessary and very important, I won't argue that. It's essential that people receive plenty of information on their choices for their next president. However, being somewhat knowledgable on news revenue and the principle of sensationalism in media, it is evident that WAVE, like most stations, is using the absurdity of this election to gain views on their site. The following video is simply a compilation of steps Clinton and Obama have taken to try to convince people against Trump. This isn't news. It's not breaking; all of the events in the video have taken place over a long period of time. Watching it almost feels like I'm watching a teaser for a new reality show.
As far as the abundance of crime goes, there is no limit. Crime stories make up the largest part of what they put on their website, most of them being either irrelevant or overly dramatized.

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